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Thursday, September 27, 2007

Back here again.... had been up on stage... tis time for the 3rd time... with a tougher role... nid to complete a warm up and main routine.... guess hiccups is always there de ah... jz depends hw u face it...overcome it.... and get over it....

Today for the 3rd time.... i took his class... yah... some how..... things din went as smoothly as i expected... I am prepared to take the class... but then it jz happened... started off with forgettin the lunge movement.... till the music.. and then the cueing.... its jz nt there out.... and i get affected by the emotions and crowd very easily... when they r "high", i am "high" too.. vice versa... i dont see them enjoyin the routine... i dont see alot of things... instead i saw sian-sation.... fightin back my tears not to cry.... and faking up a smile..... but then sometimes things nt right lah...... kns.....

thank you to those who cheered me up...... the encouragement.. the feedbacks.... everything.. thank you..... we improve as we go on....so do i... i wun b beaten down so easily.. bcuz i am weishi.... strong n steady.... jiayou bah.....

sianz... why did i lose the feel of studyin.... WHY!!!!

Anyway i am really alrite le... dun worry abt me.... seriously i am fine.... dun probe me...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:37 PM

Thursday, September 20, 2007

HahAha... i am very very very very happy and satisfied..... perhaps with the rate that i am progressing bah.... these 2 wks really had not been wasted. Still remember that last monday.. i almost make pple vomit.... cuz he keeps on askin me to talk to him.. talk to him.. and watch claudia.... and look at her..... and worst till i cant remember the routine...

But then things do change ah.. and i mean myself..... correct myself... and etc.... on monday returned back to HQ and practised on my own with claudia.. and efforts do pay off... somehow manage to correct some stuffs.. He din ask me to talk so much to him.. mayb bcuz he feels i had talked alot... but then asked to work on my cueing.. bcuz i am really late in the cueing.. causing everyone to move to the wrong direction... diaoz...

Yeah.... and adding on... he asked me to have my own style in my warmup.... and helped me to create one too.... so on the spot.... and never know that i manage to get it on the spot.. real happy ah..... but jz work hard....

The day finally comes.... which is today.... SEPT 20th...... went to PM studio.. and saw claudia... hahA.. she is a nice gal.. really help me alot... and go through my routine with her..... and there manage to get things out.... hear comments n feedback.. and correct on... then attend classes... keep listenin to his cueing.. and see hw can i improve on.... really tried my best..

Savin abit of energy in KB... then after class... that guy ah.... i thought he would want to see my routine.. but then.. he din.. jz walked away.. wth.... but then sasha and debbie tried.. gt some positive feedback fro them... and suggestions too.. thank you.....

the time is drawin so near...7pm... and then i am being introduced up on stage as a future instructor... and everythin happen within seconds...... thank you to him for askin me to smile up on stage.... and tat assured me once.... but i know i can do it de.. so here i begin... getting everyone on their toes... and it goes smoothly.. minor hiccups.. and i am lucky that i make everyone luff n smile along the way.. thank you... u smile, he smile.. everyone smiles.... i am happy for it....

U had assured me... and i feel certain too..... thank you... Thanks to all the wishes, encouragement, feedback and so on..... Its a day that i will remember and never forget.. thank you...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 11:01 PM

Monday, September 10, 2007

Where do i stand in this world? I dunoe ah..... i am alittle nervous... alot excited..... and minimal worried bah.... too flat tone le ah... i nid to relax and calm myself down.... yah... its doing fine.. i guess so... esp. with my sister claudia and mentor bong bah.... they r really there out for me... thanks man....

things doing out there...... like tat ah.... i am tinkin alot alot and alot.. jiayou bah...


I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:16 PM

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Supposingly to have my attachment to begin just now, but due to some circumstances, it will be postponed till cuming week. I am not anxious to finish the whole attachment. In fact, I set myself the dateline to finish everything by end of the year. But i am not sure of my feelings right now.

Just now i had a conversation with my mentor and after the chat, i do not feel comfortable. In fact, i seemed confused and scared in some way. I dun feel confident of myself. He told me what are the requirements from me and what am i supposed to do. Also, he told me about the training details. For that moment, everything becomes a blank topic.

I just feel tensed up ah. I dont know ah. I dont feel that ok. I need some assurance. Perhaps the only pple that i am worried are my buddies and the regulars of my mentor. They are far too good bah. And they hold a high level of expectation for the classes that they go. I know the very 1st class that i gonna deal with them had to be real good.

Dunoe lah...... irritating.... monday gt training... so best wishes to me ah......

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:50 PM

Friday, September 07, 2007

I know that i ought to post something in related to my aerobics instructor course de.. if nt i will feel damn off.. ok.... got my results on wed ah..... the feelin was damn scary... din feel good.. hands trembling when i open the letter..... 1st appearance shocked.. bcuz of something...

The passing rate per segment is 70% and i gt 70, just nice for my theory, but yet the paper wrote failed... called up SSC to check and found out its a typo error.. they will be sendin me the new version in these few days.. nid that pape to ease my mind...

Everyone says i nid to go and pray and thank the gods.. in fact i should. bcuz i had all just made it on the dot for 3 areas... its a blessing in disguise that i passed bah..... and so now i am up for attachment..

Message alot of pple directly getting my results... in fact, the 1st person that i would like to tell is my mentor bah... I dunoe why.. but i jz wanna share tis piece of news with him... ultimately he is my saviour.... but then.. ended up in a prank call..... wth..... got alot of congrats fro many many pple... close friends.. amore buddies... amore instructors and many many others.... i am so happy for the reason...

But definItely... one thing that really touched me is my mentor bah...... All along, i know that he holds quite high expectations and pinned quite high hopes on me... if nt he also wun be wastin his time on me ah..... and i din wan to disappoint myself or him too..... so jz tried my best... gettin back my result.. i am sad.. bcuz its nt wat i wanted.. and i feel alittle ashamed to show him my grades... so on wed nite... after gettin back my results.... i refused to tell him... despite he keeps askin..... did my reflections.. and decide I NEED and ought to show him... so today.. thurs... i show him ah. and explained to him of why i din show him at yest..

By surprise.... he jz tells me 1 sentence..... pass le then ok le ah.. no nid to tink so much.... i thought he will be sad to see the grades.. but then thankfully he is ok with it.... at that moment, my heart really softens.... bcuz i never expect that kind of reaction...

Heard some stuffs fro claudia also..... and also fro cheryl.... i feel that i am doted and blessed.... somehow no one evers gt such treatment and etc... but i am honoured bah... thank you thank you and thank you... u had really brightened me up alot.... there's nothin that i can express myself other than the amt of hard work and efforts that i am goin to put in... i wun want to disappoint you you you you and you...... or me me me me me and me..... Jiayou for attachment bah...

Knowing some frenzs of mine who did nt pass in some segments... i dun feel happy for them... perhaps in some way we r fro the same batch bah..... i hope they will keep up to their dreams and try again.. best wishes to them..... remember tat we are supposed to soar and fly high in the sky......

In btw.. new ipod is out.. woohoo.. price is so much better... new 80gb is at 429...... with better user interface and slimmer outlook.... ah...... i am buyin it.. but definItely.... i am savin money.. lolx... wanted it so badly...... lolx.. damn lame hor.... hw i hope the ipod can drop fro the sky and land in front of me, without me payin.. hahA.. tis is dreaming... lolx.....

ok ah.. i am gone le... suppose to study.. but leave till tmr.. dunoe wat am i doin now also..abit mad.....

I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:05 AM

Monday, September 03, 2007

Harlow everyone..... had been a real long time since i update my track in this blog. I am back or officially back. Today begins a new chapter in my life when i am back to normal. The big event is finally over where i had no rehearsals, no demos and no performance. All these mark the dot at yest. nite 9pm. Just a brief recap of what has happened...

All these while rehearsals and demos are going on. I remembered the 1st demo at Raffles Place where so many hiccups had happened. That was indeed a memorable one. Friendship almost soured off and there was some silence in btw. But thankfully, we manage to resolve all these out. Phew... Then futher demos are suntec city, toa payoh, jurong point and marina square. Each and every demo is very impt to me. Perhaps all these marks a new life to me in the fitness career bah.

The final episode is indeed the actual Womens' Day Out 2007 which occurred on Sept 1st and 2nd. The major activities consist on a 3hrs aerobics marathon of Cardio Latino, HiLo Aerobics and Kickboxing, with an extension of 2 hrs of Cross-training and Cardio-Blitz for the IRON WOMAN category. For myself, I am involved in the Kickboxing and Cross-training. At the same time, I am in it for the morning experience segment. So 4 events in total.

Regardless how many rehearsals u have, regardless how many trials u have, everything is determined up on stage. Things can just change on the spot. Minor hiccups occur, changes and etc. Enjoyment is indeed there, and some bad labelling. But who cares, as long as all of us know that we had tried our very best.

This whole event seemed to have changed me in some ways bah. I learnt alot of things and experienced the chapter of life. I am really grateful and thankful to them for awarding me the chance to perform with them despite i am yet an instructor.

Another event is definitely the Dance Search competition that i had taken part with Sasha and Iris. Yeah.. indeed we are the B*side team bah... the "charlie angels" or the "3 blind mices" or the "3 bumble bees", and the same colour coding tees that we are all wearing. Its simply great! I really like the moment. Flaws definitely occur in btw the whole process. I thank them for their kind understanding and patience to match with my timetable.

YEst was the final competition. Every group has their secret weapon. Ours is the big retro sunglasses, the other two groups are masks and hip scarfs. So secretive. Overall, we are still closer to the hip hop juniors. They are cute and lively ah.. Ours is strong, powerful and impact. Everyone calls us the HIGH ENERGY team. Such a nice labelling. Another team is doin abit of jazz dance or dunoe wat dance also. And the conclusion was... we din win the 1st prize ah, but we got 2nd in the end. Somehow, yeah.. target met. Was indeed happy with the performance. Just hope we din disappoint everyone, including Him in the eyes of us bah.

Once again, this WDO marks a big event during these 2 months of mine. Now everything has come to an end. Its time for me to unwind myself, relax and concentrate in my studies. In btw, my aerobics instructor course results would be out in 2 weeks time. Really looking forward to it. Everyone is holding such high expectations on me. Somehow i know that i cant disappoint them and even myself. And if i were really to do badly, i tink someone will be even more disappointed and perhaps angry bah. So awaits for the results then. Will post it up. And once the results is out, it will be another chapter of my life of the attachment period...

JIayou bah Weishi!!!

Last but not least, i would really like to thank the entire Amore team bah.... esp. the 320T groups on 2 separate days, KB team, X-training team and all the key players. Also, thank you to all the wishes from the loved ones, esp. Debbie, Zi Jing, Vanessa, Feifei, Val, Irene, Him and many others ones. Thank you so much. And definitely my family members bah.....

KK, i am aching all over.. Resting time...........

I miss your beautiful smile ... 10:03 AM

Disclaimers ♥

Welcome To Weishi aka Unknowger's Blog
there's nothing wrong with my name.
If you think you know me, read my blog and think again.
I'm imperfect and I'm Lovin' It.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.

Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Lady ♥

Luvs fitness and workout
Like to have her own class
Be happy with him
Owns a collection of Nike Stuffs

with currently viewing.

Craves ♥
craves :
lalalalalala~ =D

Gossips ♥

Say All You Can!

Runaway-s ♥

*Zhao Yuan
*Zhi Yong
*Jun Li
*Bee Siang
*Sing Yan
*Wei Juan
*Yes 93.3
*Dasmond Koh

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Reminiscing ♥
June 2004
July 2004
October 2004
November 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
April 2005
May 2005
June 2005
August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
March 2006
April 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008